English Learners
JCS complies with all applicable legal requirements for English Learners concerning services, assessment and the education of English Learners.
English Learners
JCS complies with all applicable legal requirements for English Learners concerning services, assessment and the education of English Learners. Program elements include student identification, placement, program options, English and core content instruction, assessment of proficiency, re-classification procedures, annual notification to parents, and monitoring and evaluating program effectiveness. Students with limited English proficiency receive support services and materials according to their needs to ensure that the instructional program is accessible and comprehensible.
Enrollment procedures includes parent completion of a Home Language Survey upon a student’s initial enrollment. Parent / guardian notification that a student’s home language is other than English initiates an assessment of the student’s language proficiency using the English Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC) within 30 days of initial enrollment. Thereafter all identified English Learners continue with annual ELPAC testing in the spring until re-designated as Fluent English Proficient.