Curriculum, Resources, and Instructional Design
Students have a variety of avenues to pursue their education including online learning, personalized assignments, direct instruction, community college coursework, CTE classes, community-based learning, Work Experience Education, and more.
Curriculum, Resources, and Instructional Design
Content area leads, along with team members, select the core and ancillary instructional materials most frequently utilized at JCS. In addition to standards-aligned core curriculum choices, JCS instructional design frequently blends at-home study with teacher-facilitated instruction and online programs of high quality. 21st Century Skills Maps and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy Maps illustrate the intersection between 21st century skills and literacies and core academic subjects, while demonstrating how to make the teaching and learning of core subjects more relevant to the demands of the 21st century. The fusion of the three Rs and four Cs (critical thinking and problem solving; communication; collaboration; and creativity and innovation) provides for enhanced curriculum design, supports 21st century teaching and learning, and offers a variety of learning environments.
Students have a variety of avenues to pursue their education including online learning, personalized assignments, direct instruction, community college coursework, CTE classes, community-based learning, Work Experience Education (WEE), a large selection of community-based instruction (VCI), and a full complement of instructional resources. Courses of study are Common Core State Standards -aligned, rigorous, engaging, and accessible for all students. Common Core State Standards are articulated for staff, parent-teachers and students through training, discussions, and modeling. Project-based Learning and backwards design principals are implemented throughout all programs.